I had my first ultrasound on November 19th. I loved seeing my little darling. Phil and Zemirah came along too. Zemirah was really unsure about the whole process and she wanted to sit on the table with Mama. Daddy gave her some cuddles and crackers so that helped. This ultrasound was to confirm the pregnancy and to get an approximate due date (which I believed to be July 3rd but according to my last period it should have been the beginning of June). I was pleased to see that indeed my charting proved to be right (my cycles are all over the place). In this photo Acorn measured 7 weeks 6 days (heart rate:150). Due Date: July 3, 2011.
7 weeks 6 days
Last week (2/8/11) I went in for my second ultrasound. I dressed Zemirah and myself up similar (pink shirts and blue jeans) and off we went to meet Daddy at the Medical Center. I am still so amazed and in awe of how much development occurs in such a short time. This ultrasound is definitely the one that brings the reality that there is a baby growing inside of you. One of my favorite things about my ultrasounds is sharing the moment with my two favorite people, my husband and baby girl. The tech had music playing and though at first I was kind of taken back (it was 80's rock and not just playing in the background), it actually turned out to be a huge blessing. Zemirah stood up on a little foot stool and showed off her sweet moves to the most random mix I think I've ever heard ("Message in a Bottle" "Simply Irresistible" "Welcome to the Jungle" and a few others). As soon as the tech put the transducer (wand) on my belly I heard a little voice beside me exclaim "Baby!" There was so much excitement and joy that filled my heart. What a wonder to see it through Zemirah's eyes. Phil and I kept looking at the screen, then glanced at each other with big smiles (I teared up). We told the tech we didn't want to know the sex and he was very good at telling us when to look away. He didn't hint at anything, kept his words gender neutral, he was awesome! Each time Phil and I would look away Zemirah kept her eyes fixed on the screen. The tech told her "You're the big sister with the big secret. Don't tell Mom or Dad!" It was cute. So yes, the sex is known by God and Zemirah. I thought while I was in there that I would change my mind and ask to find out but I wasn't even tempted to. God is using not finding out to work out other things in my heart (like patience and self control). I rejoice that everything looks wonderful and that we have such a beautiful and healthy babe. Acorn measured 19 weeks 2 days (heart rate was 150). Due Date: July 3, 2011.

19 weeks 2 days
I don't know if you can tell but little Acorn is holding it's hands together. So precious!
One of the first things I did when I got home was look at Zemirah's ultrasound from around the same time...
Zemirah 18 weeks
...and it hit me that they are different babies. I know that sounds silly but seeing the differences in them made it more real that indeed a completely new little baby is growing in me. My heart feels like it could explode with the love and joy I feel. Thank You God for my little ones and how You knit Zemirah and are knitting Acorn perfectly in my womb.
Peace to your homes,
Mama B.
Zemirah and I in our pink
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