Monday, April 11, 2011

Birth Plan (Birth Desires)

Well now that I'm into my third trimester I figured it would be time to start thinking about my birth. Ha Who am I kidding? I have had my birth desires together since probably a couple days after I found out I was pregnant-it really helped having just gotten home from a Doula conference and having discussed our (mine and Phil's) hopes for our next birth on our 6 hour ride home. Some of you may have seen the words "Birth Plan" and chuckled or thought about how one can plan all they want and things will still go how they go. I do know some of the most amazing women who had deep desires for their births and it ended up going the very opposite. Birth is a vulnerable thing but I truly believe that if left uneducated about birth women (and men) can come to fear it. Birth is natural, it's beautiful, it's lots of work but worth every second. Each woman's birth story is her own, not any better or worse than another. We weren't made to compare, we were made to live our lives to the fullest and encourage others in theirs. With that being said here are our desires when it comes to giving birth to Acorn....

No induction until at least 42+ weeks and if need be (praying that it doesn't come to that)

I'm planning on doing the majority of labor at home (dim lights, some clothes (maybe), worshiping, peaceful/intimate environment) Check out the video that gave me the idea of worship: Worship in Labor
Having a friend there to capture my labor/delivery (photos)
We are still praying about whether to have a back up person or doula to help during labor
Use natural forms of pain relief (tub, walking, back massages, position changes)
Stay hydrated with water, ice cubes, and popsicles (no IV)
Get to the hospital in time (Having a baby in the car is a very real possibility with how quick Zem came...)

While at the hospital:
No IV/Medications (We are attending a Natural Childbirth Class)
Very few cervix checks
External Fetal Monitoring (no thanks, unless something seems to be up)

Choice of birth positions (squatting, semi sitting etc.)
Spontaneous pushing rather than purple pushing
No episiotomy
Umbilical cord cut after it stops pulsating Why?
Kangaroo care after birth (as long as everything is alright with the baby, nurses can do all the first newborn tests while your baby is on your chest)
Breastfeeding (one of my most favorite things to do ever)

After Birth:
I always like to see the placenta (from a distance), not currently planning on a smoothie or planting it-though I've considered both (sorry if that made you gag-ha)
Mama and baby herb bath for healing and bonding
Having the baby in the room (no nursery)

There are a few other things we are praying/pondering on but those will stay between Phil and I for now. So yes, those are our hopes and desires. Those are the things that we are praying into and what you can join us in praying for. I understand that things may not go exactly as we hope but I think of the verse "where the people have no vision they will perish..." So although it's vulnerable I have dreams and hopes for my birth. Even if they are the complete opposite of mine, I'd encourage you to dream and hope too. Get the facts and then make decisions that you are at peace with. Communicate your desires to your spouse, your doctor, the nurses etc. We are truly blessed that our Doctor is completely on board with all of our hopes. Last round I didn't know all of the things that I listed but almost everything just happened naturally. The one thing I did have up in my room was this:

If you took or plan on taking drugs please don't take my sign or my desires as me condemning you. My heart just truly desires this for all my births (I did come to this conclusion through much research and prayer). Birth is vulnerable and it's my hope you experience it in a beautiful and intimate way, whatever that looks like for you.

Peace to your homes,

Mama B.