So the past couple months have been pretty exciting for us Britton's. God has completely blessed us beyond words and though many have asked if I've felt stressed (being pregnant with the transitions), I respond "I'm blessed not stressed!" Here's a bit of a breakdown for you:
House: Phil and I have been looking on and off for a house for the past two years. After seeing tons of houses and not really loving anything, I felt like perhaps my desires were too much. I mean who gets everything that they desire in a home anyway? So yes, we kept looking and kept an open heart to what God wanted us to have. Just over a year ago (Our Anniversary May 20, 2010) we made a declaration in the Lord believing that within a year we would own a home. Fast forward a year later and I'm sitting in our beautiful home typing this blog. We knew the moment we walked in that it was our home and we officially closed on April 8th. We gave the previous owners time to find a place of their own and got the keys on May 19, 2011. Almost a year later to the date! I keep walking around in awe that God gave us such a beautiful place to raise our kids and to be. His peace rests here and especially rests in my bath tub that is built with a slanted back that just happens to be the most comfy tub I've ever been in. Phil would likely say His peace rests heavy in the sauna....that must be why he has taken four since we've moved in! Everything is put together and this weekend we are breaking ground on our garden. Please pray that the weather cooperates and that it all comes together beautifully!
Britton's 4 the night we got the key! |
Zemirah found her favorite spot right away (our little people watcher). |
Acorn: After much prayer, Phil and I have felt led to have a homebirth! We are very excited about it. We met with our Midwife Sandy at the beginning of April. She is amazing. She has been a Midwife since 1989 and is certified. The first appointment was a get to know you type one. I was really impressed that she feels it's not only her responsibility to be informed about birth but ours as well (a doulas dream really). When I did a pee test and blood test she was able to tell me right then what I needed to change (more protein, more iron). Another thing that really appealed to us is that she's a believer. My friend Grace has had two of her children with Sandy and she told me how Sandy would pray for her as she was going through labor. What comfort and peace that brings to birth! We have had one other appointment since then. Everything is looking wonderful (baby is head down, heartrate 140-150, my protein was great). We brought home the birth pool we are burrowing, so it's definitely starting to feel more and more real. I also ordered our birth kit and liners for the pool. We've also started figuring out who will be there. At this point it will be: Me (Acorn), Phil, Sandy, Mama Janis, and Liz. I'm not sure who else will be but as the time draws closer we will figure it all out. I'm almost 36 weeks and I know I'll be kissing my bundle so soon- I can hardly wait! As far as specific prayers go...I wouldn't mind if the babe comes the first week of July, prayers for birth/delivery (healthy Mama, Baby, Daddy), prayers for Zemirah as she transitions into her role as big sister (also for when I'm giving birth, that she does well with whoever has her). On a sidenote: We know that the word homebirth brings all kinds of feelings up in people whether that be "what if......(fill in the blank)" or even "that is awesome". We've been asking that any concerns you have please just pray against that fear and for health and a beautiful birth. We need prayer covering for sure but just as much as any woman giving birth in any setting. Birth is intense, and I thank God that He made women's bodies strong. I sometimes think of women living in the bush in drugs, no doctor, no nothing, yet out comes a beautiful baby. We have peace, His peace. Check out this beautiful video (one of my favorites):
Homebirth of Lucia Mae
Zemirah: She loves being in our new home. She loves to run through it and I've noticed she has been even more joyful! She transitioned to her big girl bed the first night we stayed here (May 22). She has been sleeping through the night every night since then. She loves her little room and every time someone comes over she likes to show them it. She also is doing wonderful at nap time, we have started calling it 'room time'. She will walk into her room, normally fusses for a little bit (unless company is still over it's typically longer), then I hear her playing with her books/toys and eventually I peak in and there she is all bundled up in her covers on her big girl bed. She has been saying a lot more words and has even been saying sentences. When thinking back over the last two weeks, it really feels like she has gone from my little baby (though she will always be my baby) to my little girl. My heart is excited but also wonders where the time has gone. I'm so thankful to Jesus that He has helped her through all these transitions and I'm praying that when Acorn comes it goes wonderful as well.
First time in her big girl bed! |